Connect your Zoom account to Pepper.ai

You can connect your Zoom account to Pepper.ai and then you have the option to use Zoom link for all of your meetings where you added Zoom as your default address for your meetings.

You can set the connection through Pepper Ai.

You can click the "Connect Zoom" button to authorize your existing Zoom account.

How to use

If you want to add a dynamic Zoom link for your meeting you have to choose Zoom as the address of the meeting you create or add Zoom as default service at the Settings page and turn on Virtual meeting. And after the meeting will be created you and your invitees can use the link from the address row at the invitation.

Uninstalling the Pepper Add-on

    Variant 1
  1. Login to your Zoom account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace.
  2. Click Manage > Installed Apps or search of the Pepper app.
  3. Click the Pepper app.
  4. Click Uninstall.
    Variant 2
  1. Login to the Pepper app.
  2. Go to the Settings page.
  3. Go to the Address block.
  4. Click the Disconnect button opposite the Zoom radio button.